Windows update microsoft edge no longer works
Windows update microsoft edge no longer works

windows update microsoft edge no longer works

What do you if Microsoft Edge isn't working: In this article, we'll show you how to fix Microsoft Edge when it doesn't open so that you can get back online quickly! But when Microsoft Edge fails to start, you may have no choice but to use another browser or troubleshoot the problem yourself. Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Windows 10 (and made its way into Windows 11 as well) and is supposed to be fast and secure. When Microsoft Edge won't open, it's a frustrating experience. If you have been using your computer and all of a sudden, the browser won’t open, don't panic! The article will help you fix this issue in no time. This post is for users who are having trouble opening Microsoft Edge. This has been suggested as a resolution to the problem by an affected user.ĭo you’ve any issues with the Edge browser? Let us know in the comments below.What to do if Microsoft Edge isn't working This method is neither recommended by Microsoft nor by us.

windows update microsoft edge no longer works windows update microsoft edge no longer works

Read: Windows Update gets PUA blocking feature, how to enable? This security setting for Edge protects Windows 10 devices from malicious or potentially unwanted sites, apps and malware downloads. Toggle “ Smartscreen for Microsoft Edge” to Off.Click on Reputation-based protection Settings.Fix Microsoft Edge won’t launch or open on Windows 10

windows update microsoft edge no longer works

Note: the workaround involves disabling a Windows 10 security feature. If your Edge is working fine, you don’t need to follow the instructions mentioned here. Not long ago, Microsoft itself disabled (and restored) DNS over HTTPS (DOH) and Startup boost to address issues in Edge browser.Ĭoming to the article in question, first things first, only some are affected. While the company is aware of the issue and investigating, a workaround is also available for the same. After updating to the most recent version, some users found Edge was not opening. Microsoft released Edge version 90 for Windows and Mac with Kids Mode and History Search.

Windows update microsoft edge no longer works